I write rich & meaningful content on development, technology, & life lessons. That is pretty much what "pragmateek" is.
The only resources you'll need to shed that 'beginner' status. · Last year I became aware that cross-platform app development is steadily on the rise....
Come over to the DART side. · The hotshots at Google decided to enter the arena of cross-platform development after mobile frameworks such as Ionic,...
The stickers on my laptop serve one, single purpose: To differentiate myself from the boring people around me. There are other reasons why one would...
As writers, we worry about someone taking credit for our handiwork. Stealing it and then presenting it as their own. Shouldn't we be careful not to do...
When I started learning about web development, I was advised by developers to start using Git. In the first two weeks, I learned the basic commands...
Having a perfect desk not only motivates you, but is also a productivity power-up. Cold and lifeless desk setups can leave you feeling unmotivated and...